Monday 14 July 2008

Alfred Gockel paintings

Alfred Gockel paintings
Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff paintings

Bill Frist is heading into defining days for his leadership of the US Senate - and future in politics - as he decides when, and if, to pull the trigger on the so-called "nuclear option" on judicial nominees.
Bill Frist is heading into defining days for his leadership of the US Senate - and future in politics - as he decides when, and if, to pull the trigger on the so-called "nuclear option" on judicial nominees. Methodical by temperament, Dr. Frist (a title the M.D. prefers to senator) consults widely before making decisions. This week, he hasn't had far to look for advice. From President Bush to the Democratic opposition to special interests, he's hearing plenty.For the man in the middle, the endgame is a critical test of leadership. With

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